Different maple trees
Different maple trees

Softwoods come from gymnosperm trees such as conifers - trees such as fir, pine, or cedar. While maple can be described as both hard and soft, it’s not about the wood’s durability. While both hard maple and soft maple are commonly used to make furniture, cabinets, instruments, etc., hard maple is more commonly found in flooring as it’s denser and about 25% harder than soft maple. You can learn more about wood stains in our post, What to Look For In Wood Stains. It’s often used to mimic much more expensive hardwoods for the fact that it can take darker stains. Sapwood is found on the outer portion of the log and is lighter in color, lending itself to taking on many stain colors. While most woodworkers tend to choose heartwood in other hardwoods, sapwood tends to be more popular for maples. Woodworkers gravitate towards maple for its durability, smooth grain pattern, and light, creamy color. Maple wood is not only incredibly strong, it looks nice and stains beautifully. It’s a popular hardwood option among woodworkers for its affordability, yet durability. Maple is one of the widest spread species of trees in North America and can be found in nearly every region of the continent. But they’re also used for a vast variety of woodworking projects from furniture and cabinetry to flooring, even bowling pins and pool cues. Johnson Ops Tree Care in Holmen, WI has ISA Certified Arborists that provide high-quality services to let your landscape thrive.Maple trees are striking in any landscape with their vibrant display of fall colors in reds, golds, and yellows.

different maple trees

If you are thinking of planting different species of these deciduous woody plants, it pays to hire a full-service tree care company to help you. The most common maple species in the US can contribute to your landscape’s overall appeal with their lively fall display. Silver maple trees also have an exceptionally fast growth rate as they can thrive in different climates and soil conditions. Throughout the growing season, its foliage is green but can turn into a pale yellow in the fall. It gets its name from its leaves that have silvery undersides. The silver maple species has long, delicate leaves similar to a willow but has the main characteristics of a maple tree. Paperback maples also have a slow growth habit they can take years to reach their mature height of 25 feet. Its leaves are dark green with undersides that are covered in fuzzy hairs and can turn into a bright scarlet color in the fall. The paperback maple variety gets its name from its rich, coppery-brown bark that peels along its trunk and branches. Additionally, sugar maples are one of the tallest varieties as they can grow up to 120 feet tall and 50 feet wide. It is also known for its stunning fall foliage, as its leaves can turn into bright shades of orange, yellow, and red. The sugar maple species is often considered the most famous maple tree for its sap that’s used to make maple syrup. This medium-sized maple is a common landscape tree in North America and is frequently seen across the Eastern US. It is a classic shade tree with a rounded or oval crown that starts as green. The red maple tree gets its name from the color of its twigs and leaf stems as its leaves and fruits turn deep red in the fall. Here are a few of the most common maples in the US and their traits: Red Maple (Acer rubrum) Some varieties come in a stunning display of oranges, browns, yellows, and reds every year, while others have leaves that sport multiple colors at once. While maples may share the most basic physical qualities, they can also differ wildly from one species to the next. Species of maple trees can easily be recognized by their leaves having five points. They can also become a striking addition to your garden, whether as shade, specimen, or accent trees.

different maple trees

Known locally for their warm fall colors and their production of sweet syrup, maple trees are an iconic part of North American landscapes. With over a hundred species from the genus Acer, most maple trees are deciduous woody plants that exist all over the world. Maple Tree Species: Similarities and Differences

Different maple trees